Predictive Dialer Software
Predictive dialer software is a computer-based dialing system that can rapidly place multiple outbound calls. Predictive dialing is a system of outbound calling that dials without an agent on the line. The system dials the phone, listens, and automatically transfers the call to an agent when alive, "hello," or a short greeting is detected. The dialer makes multiple calls simultaneously, checking each number for a live "hello" or any other call disposition. If the ring is busy, no answer, not working, etc., the dialer drops or reschedules the call, then dials another number. The dialer is predictive because it predicts when the next agent will be available and when the next "hello" will be detected.
Most predictive phone dialers automatically adjust to calling patterns, number of agents, and average call length. If the calls are few, the dialer should dial more lines. If fewer agents are available, the dialer should dial less frequently. If calling patterns change, the dialer should change with them. It should also handle multiple projects and multiple calling lists, seamlessly switching between them. Finally, one must modify the dialer's frequency "drops" the call. An abandoned call is when a survivor picks up the phone, but no available agent takes the call. When the dialer disconnects before switching the call to an agent, the call is "abandoned." A high-quality dialer will automatically adjust the calling rate to minimize abandoned calls and maximize the agent's talk time.
Predictive dialing is typically used for business-to-consumer calling, where the consumer's identity is not entirely relevant to the call. The agent does not have time to preview the ring before connection using predictive dialing. Additionally, it is believed that calls left to unknown consumers do not harm the business of call centers. However, because companies answer their calls with a business greeting and require personal preparation, predictive dialing is generally not used to call business customers.
- Boost Agent Productivity
- More Call Connects
- Adjust Dialing based on available Agents
- CRM & CTI integrations to dial with context

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Affordable Dialer Services Packages
Choose from affordable Dialer services packages & get the best results in return.Dialer/ACD/PRI
INR 720.99 / month- Rent a Dialer starting at the 594INR
- Pay as you go model, opex and risk free.
- Purchase a Dialer starting at the 3234INR
- Build assets and reduce opex costs.
- EMI a Dialer starting at the 990INR
Unlimited Model
INR 3600.99 / month- Upto 4 channels per seat for better pacing.
- Fair usage policy applicable
- Meant for standard 8-9 hr shift.
- NA for PC Support and other lengthy call processes
- 5544INR as one time setup installation and training charges
Retail Model
INR 3750.99 / month- Pay as you go model.
- Similar Models on offer for Australia and Other Destinations.
- Best suited for Multiple shift /PC Support / Big Cll Centers.